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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  July 31, 2013 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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tonight, keeping them honest. rehab racket. clannic operators billing taxpayers, billing you for a bundle. in some cases for patients that don't exist. also tonight, does the nsa have your number and web history and e-mails just a key stroke ahead? new reports says yes and reveals the classified software they use to access that and more. we're joined by a lawmaker. later, is there a belly ache in this bag? health officials say they've traced a stomach bug to contaminated bags of salad. the question, why aren't they saying which brands to avoid? keeping them honest, and getting results. we've been telling you all this week what an investigation with the center for investigative reporting reveals about a program that's costing all of us big money. our investigation documents how california's federally funded medicaid system paid out $94
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million, again, that's your money, in the past two years to drug clinics that have shown signs of deception or questionable billing practices. among the apparent scams, billing medical for treatments patients didn't need. in one case, because the patient was dead. it's staggering stuff. for weeks, our correspondent drew griffin tried to get answers from officials but no one would talk on camera. instead, they couldn't get away from the camera fast enough. two weeks before this investigation began airing, state officials announced action and agreed to sit down and talk. you might ask after seeing tonight's installment what took them so long and whether their promises to get tough add up. drew griffin tonight, keeping them honest. >> reporter: george aluno shouldn't even be in california's drug rehab business. you seem to be at the center of frud allegation. >> no, no. >> reporter: he's been banned from billing medicaid since 2002, but it hasn't stopped him
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from billing the state of california. tim agendu is accused of fraudulent practices at his rehab practices, but hasn't stopped him from billing either. >> two are you? >> reporter: i'm drew griffin -- wait a minute now. your former employees say you're billing for services you're not providing. then there's this man, alexander ferdand. it hasn't stopped him from coming to california, setting up a drug rehab clinic, and billing taxpayers, each though felons are barred from running drug mehdical centers. how can a guy with a record like you be operating a drug rehab clinic california? >> this is not a -->> reporter: you were convicted of a car crash scheme in texas. >> i was convicted but it's not what it seems.
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>> reporter: in the last two fiscal years, taxpayers spent $186 million, supposedly treating drug and alcohol abuse patients in california. our investigation with the center for investigative reporting, found half of that money, or about $94 million, has gone to clinics that have shown questionable billing practices or signs of fraud. former drug medical supervisor, complained to the state for years about all the obvious fraud. we found billing records for people in jail, one person dead, people who said they didn't need this kind of treatment. >> uh-huh. >> reporter: clinics closed on a certain day, billing for that certain day. >> uh-huh. >> reporter: none of this surprises you? >> no, not at all. we found all of those things. >> reporter: for more than a month, cnn has been asking for an explanation from the state of california. and for more than a month, we've
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gotten nowhere. >> i believe the -- >> reporter: can i just ask you from you why? >> that wasn't my decision. >> reporter: state health officials in one sacramento building after another refused to be questioned, including toby douglas, who oversees drug medical. after weeks of calling the state's secretary of health and human services, diana duly, and getting no for an answer, we decided to ask for a response in person. secretary duley, hi, drew griffin with cnn. we've been trying to reach you and talk to you about the widespread fraud in the medical rehab business, but nobody will talk to us about it. in an uncomfortable moment, the secretary at first refused to
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speak. secretary? do you know alex ferdand, a convicted felon, and has been billing the state of california, despite the fact there have been complaint s about him. he's convicted for insurance fraud in texas but has been certified in california. is there anyone concerned? finally answered a question. >> the state of california takes fraud very seriously. and there are many investigations that are under way. the allegations, all allegations are given full and fair consideration and you've caught me running because i am late for a meeting that i'm chairing. >> reporter: i wonder if you would do one thing and ask toby douglas to sit down and talk to us. >> if you want to give us a
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little bit of time -- >> reporter: we've been giving you months. >> we have a budget that we are just completing, and we have many priorities on our time. information has been provided, answers have been provided. we have -- >> reporter: i understand. >> we have a very extensive fraud and investigation unit that is one of the best in the country. >> reporter: let me ask you a couple questions. >> that's all i have to say. >> reporter: are you concerned that there is massive fraud? because that's what we're finding out. number two, as secretary of health, can you have toby douglas talk to us about our specific questions. >> excuse me. >> reporter: but that is hardly the end of the story. >> would you get security for me, please? >> reporter: our exchange with california's secretary of health and human services may have been the trigger for a major statewide crackdown. one month later, nearly to the day, the state sent out this news release.
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16 drug medical centers are under investigation and temporarily suspended. just this week, california announced that figure has jumped to 29 rehab centers. last week, california relented to cnn's interview request. chief deputy director of health care services karen johnson tried to explain why it has taken so long. >> we are going to review all of the drug medical providers in the state of california, and we are going to require that they reenroll in our program so they become recertified. >> reporter: based on that answer, i think it's fair to say that the oversight in the state of california has been seriously lacking. agree? >> i would say that's not a fair characterization. any complaints that were referred to the department of justice and to the department of health care services was investigated. there are other complaints,
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those complaints were investigated. that is going to be part of the ongoing, active investigation. as i mentioned, we are looking at all of the cases and what's emerging is a much larger, bigger picture that we need to address. >> reporter: bigger picture of fraud? >> bigger picture of problems. >> reporter: and only now, two weeks before these two national news organizations are about to -- is the state of california doing this review. coincidence? >> it's not a fair characterization. we've been investigating all along. >> reporter: my question is, why has it taken the state so long to catch up to this? >> look, there are bad people who want to scam this program. and we are going to do everything possible to investigate and deploy the
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necessary resources to improve and enhance our enforcement effort. >> reporter: so you feel the state of california has done enough? >> obviously, what has happened and what we see clearly there's more that needs to be done. >> drew grich joins us now. i've got to say, this is awesome reporting. that -- the fact that these state officials won't give you any interviews for weeks and weeks and weeks, and then are running into the lady's run to run away from you, without even answering any questions is just stunning to me. and it seems like they're trying to have it both ways. on the one hand they're saying we've been investigating all along. then all of a sudden they happen to announce these huge reviews in the wake of your reporting. >> it's pretty obvious. just before air, now 36 of these clinics have been referred to for the california department of
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justice for possible prosecution. the clinics are being shut down. alexander ferdand, the man we showed in the piece, his clinic shut down. but you're right, they want it both ways. we're on top of it, yet we're doing this big overhaul and review of the situation. >> and we're working on our budget, so we can't both tore talk to you. >> the problem is, they did know. that's the crux of what you've been seeing. they knew this fraud was going on. they had records of it. and little to nothing was done until now. >> and now, california officials are saying the fraud is going to end, or at least -- >> we'll see, right? they're saying they're going to review all the clinics, recertify all the clinics. they should get away the felons running the clinics. but who's going to oversee to see oh, the clinics are closed on wednesdays but they're billing on wednesdays.
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you forecaknow, we don't know t specifics of what their overhaul is going to lock like. the state senator that was on air last night calling for an independent audit, he's on to something. these agencies have been the overseers and have done a terrible job. >> last three nights, every night i think it can't get any worse, but your reporting has been great. we'll continue to follow this. if you've got a tip for drew on this or any story, you can let him go on coming up next, edward snowden's dad and a lawmaker battling the curb the national security agency on how easily the nsa can access your online data. later tonight, o.j. simpson learns if he's getting paroled. but there's also a very big catch. parole does not mean freedom. we'll be right back.
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welcome back. new claims tonight how much low-level government employees and contractors can find out ant you with just a few computer key strokes. they're the latest news from nsa leaker edward snowden. whether the director of the national security agency, people are feeling the heat. >> i'm saying i don't trust you. you lied to congress. why would we believe you now? >> he said he hasn't lied to congress. as the senate judiciary held hearings, the office of the national director of intelligence, released information on its intelligence gathering operations.
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only tiny fraction of such records are ever viewed by nsa intelligence analysts. the program is called ex-key score. analysts require no prior authorization from any court from using it to conduct searches on americans. they only have to fill in a box state thing's a foreign connection. the article details how it searches not just e-mail subject lines and addresses but the body of the message itself. also, web browsing history. the nsa maintains access to other search tools is limited. congressman justin amash is a skeptic. he tried and nearly succeeded in passing legislation and is now
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backing bipartisan legislation to try again. how concerned should people be about this? >> very concerned. we're going to have a classified briefing tomorrow with keith alexander, and i intend to ask some questions. one of the things that we don't know is where is the content coming from? there's a whole array of content coming in, whether it be e-mails or other internet information, and i would like to know, and my colleagues would like to know where this data is coming from. >> did you know about this before hand? because what the people in the intelligence community say is there's congressional oversight. but my understanding is there's only congressional oversight of what the nsa tells you about. >> we have these briefings. is it possible in some document somewhere when they hand you 200 pages and tell you that you can only look at it in a room that there's some line in a program? it's possible. i don't know. the problem we have is we have to ask exactly the right
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question to get the right answer. if we don't ask the precise question, we don't get apanswer. >> even when the director of national intelligence testified on capitol hill recently, he was asked point blank whether or not they collect data on american citizens and clapper said no, not wittingly. then he later on said well, the definition of collecting is different than the common definition, did he lie? >> yes, he did lie. he lied to congress. he lied to the american people. i've called for him to step down, and i think he should face the same consequences any american would face if they came before congress and gave false testimony. any ordinary american might be facing prison time for doing that. we have to be treating government officials the same way we treat anyone else. >> we've had a number of intelligence officials saying
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well, you know, some of these programs, these collecting of medi-data, collecting of phone calls or phone numbers, it stopped dozens of terrorist attacks. now senator patrick leahy said maybe it was involved in one, but when you look at the details of how these programs were used, it has not stopped nearly the number that some intelligence officials have been claiming. >> yeah, and they've been -- there are many of them who have been careful to say understand this program and other programs we have stopped 54 terrorist attacks. there are some members of congress who have not been very careful and have bordered on giving false testimony to the american people and we should take a close look at that. but yeah, i think those who are careful and cautious about what they say realize that it's not this particular collection of phone records, mass collection of phone records that is doing the work here. >> i spoke to glenn greenwald on
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this program last night. he pointed out that high level government officials leak classified information all the time if it suits their interest, and nothing seems to happen to them. yet people with no status, no political connections like bradley manning or edward snoeden or lower level officials, they leak information and get hit with the full brunt of the u.s. justice system, particularly under the obama administration. i'm not condoning the breaking of any law, but is the system unfair here? >> i think the system is unfair. we need a better way for those that want to blow the whistle on the government to do so. there was a lot of talk that edward snowden could go to, for example, a member of congress and tell them about the program, that it wasn't being applied in what he thought was a constitutional manner. that's just not true. he had to go to his superiors and he might be able to talk to some people on the intelligence
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committee. they don't have a lot of avenues. if you look at the intelligence committee members, it's stacked in favor of people who support these programs, with the exception of a few people like senator widen and some others. >> congressman, thank you. >> thanks so much, anderson. let's dig deeper now with edward snowden's father, lon. lon, what is your reaction to this newly published information based on intelligence your son gave them, that there's a program essentially allowing the nsa to access anything a typical user does on the internet? >> well, i find it shocking. it's simply a matter of more truth coming forward. i've only been able to scan the new information, but i'm very interested in seeing the two intelligence committees now, specifically mike rogers, the chairman and the house and dianne feinstein, what they're going to have to say. is it going to be more misdirection. we talk about james clapper, but
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i think the leadership of the two intelligence committees at this point is quite suspect. congressman amash i believe t k talked about it when he talked about how people answer questions. much of how you answer questions is framed by what questions are asked. so i would say that mike rogers, peter king, dianne feinstein, and some of the other members and those leaders who put them there really need to take a hard look at that leadership. i believe it's deficient. any prior career, when you have problems with oversight and there's a loss of confidence, you change the leadership. i believe it's time for that. >> i also would volunteer, it shows that sunshine is the best disinfecttant. one of the things that was very apparent when we attended the senate judiciary committee
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hearing today contacted by senator pat leahy that everyone was eager to discuss ways to reform the programs that edward snowden revealed, but it was like his name was tabu. no one could utter edward snowden's name, because he showed that they had been derelict in not disclosing the oversight that he did single handedly 29 years old. >> you had a career in the coast guard as i understand it. do you believe when you hear intelligence officials say that these programs, some of the programs that your son revealed, that they stopped dozens, more than 50 who were involved with the prevention of more than 50 terrorist attacks, do you believe that? >> no. i think you have to focus on the language. i believe anyone in government who is trying to preserve a program or gain support for a program, you're going to use the strongest possible language. when we originally heard language from general alexander
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giving testimony, he was questioned again by the house intelligence committee, the language they used was "potential terrorist events." that gets extrapolated into the media to a thwarted 50 terrorist attacks. but i would be very interested in seeing the actual number of prosecutions and more details on that. but the bottom line is, if you have to say 50 potential events, that's not very strong language. but certainly again, i believe we need a strong intelligence community. and they do good work. and also a strong conventional defense. but it's a matter of priority. i really believe if we pull this thread, we're going to find there's a bigger issue here. the issue is money and power. there are many corporations that benefit from these programs, as
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well as employees -- i should say appointed officials within the intelligence community who bounce back and forth between government and corporate service and it's a cash cow, to be quite frank. we have other issues that politicians are ignoring, because there's concern about votes. again, i'll go back to the southern border. certain politicians do not want to talk about security there. i would love to hear from some of our particularly retired who have no fear of blowback, retired border patrol officials talking about how secure that southern border is. >> if i could inject also, anderson, one other deficiency in that number is it doesn't state whatever is foiled couldn't have been foiled with measures consistent with the patriot act and the 4th amendment. in fact, the testimony today was there's only a tiny, tiny fraction out of really billions, if not trillions of data gathered on americans that is ever viewed as relevant. really, do you need to gather all that information? they started to ask maybe that's
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not what we need to do. we need to have a conversation. of course, none of them said the reason why you're thinking about this is edward snowden. >> there's a couple things you recently said to "the washington post." you said the fbi asked you to travel to moscow to see your son a while back. what did they expect you to do or hope you to do, and is that something you would still like to do, go there? >> i'm glad you asked that. i can't give you a date. it was sometime ago, and they called and they asked if i would be willing to get on a flight and go to moscow to see my son. i was at home, and it was a complete surprise. i had no attorney at the time. i had done nothing wrong, and i was adamant that i would not have an attorney. and i thought about it, and i wanted to say yes. then i asked, are you sure my son is in moscow? they said well, no.
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i said wait, i'm not going to get on a flight and go to moscow and sit on the tarmac to be an emotional tool for you to use against him. i want to first be able to speak to my son. can you establish communications? they said, well, i'm not sure i can. i thought, i have buddies who could set up communications any place on the planet within a short period of time. so that was the prerequisite. i said if i can speak to my son, and i believe there's value, i would like to go. the positive thing that came out of that is after i hung up, i thought maybe i should have legal counsel if i'm going to get on an airplane and go to mols cow. that's what led me through the -- a trusted adviser, and that was a critical milestone for me. i'm thankful for that. we tried to work with the fbi to set up communications. one of our requirements was going to be that attorney-client privilege was respected.
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i wanted to establish that with my son, and that's on the advice of counsel. but from there, i don't want to get into the specifics, but it just went downhill. at this point, i have no desire to get on an aircraft with the fbi to fly to moscow, because i have lost faith in the overarching organization, the justice department that, again, they are operating in good faith. >> you would actually tell your son -- my understanding, from what you said last week on this program, you would tell your son it's probably a good idea to stay in russia, is that true? >> no question. again, it's an evolution for me of watching, again, so many congressman -- these folks on the intel committees, what i've seen from them and other comments from the attorney general, the secretary of state at this point absolutely i feel that it's in my son's best
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interest, for his personal safety and finding justice, which i hope he will be able to return to the united states and answer for this, and the truth be told, in this climate i don't believe it's possible. so yes, i think russia is the best place for him. i think that's where he -- russia, i believe, has the strength and conviction to protect my son at this point. >> bruce, before you jump in, i just want to ask one other question i want you to both respond to. since last we talked, bradley manning was convicted of leaking classified information. lon, does that give you pause just in terms of what it could mean for your son? >> certainly it has implications. but bradley manning was really a member of the military, as i was for most of my life.
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subject to the uniform code of military justice. tried in a military court. but certainly i know how he was treated. ultimately it's the government at the highest levels that was responsible for that. so at this point, i'm really concerned about my son's safety. i'm not even thinking about what would happen in terms of the trial. that's why we have attorneys of bruce and access to many others, and we're just not at that point now. i'm concerned about my son's immediate safety, security and health. >> bruce, go ahead. >> yeah, i think you can distinguish edward snowden's case from bradley manning's with regard to the substance of what he disclosed. it would be a violation of the first amendment under my view for the government to punish the disclosure of wrongful government action. we have a right to petition under the first amendment. i did want to volunteer last evening i did speak with edward snowden's attorney in russia, and we had a pleasant conversation. he did reassure me that edward
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is in good health, and there may be a time where it would be constructive to try to meet and see whether there can't be common ground that everyone agrees that would advance the interest of the united states. mr. snowden, lon, his father and the interest of russia in trying to honor this that honors due process. >> thank you very much. for more on the story, go to breaking news tonight about ariel castro's sentencing hearing. what we've learned about who may speak in court. and o.j. simpson wins parole, but not freedom. our legal team will explain how that can be, ahead. ve come at a better time. these chevys are moving fast. i'll take that malibu. yeah excuse me, the equinox in atlantis blue is mine! i was here first, it's mine. i called about that one, it's mine. mine! mine. it's mine. it's mine. mine. mine. mine. mine. it's mine! no it's not, it's mine! better get going, it's chevy model year-end event.
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breaking news tonight out of cleveland on the eve of ariel castro's sentencing hearing. as you know, he pleaded guilty last week to more than 900 counts in a plea deal that took the death penalty off the table. he's expected to speak tomorrow in court. cnn's pam brown joins with new information about tomorrow's hearing. what can we expect tomorrow? what will happen? >> reporter: anderson, certainly a dramatic proceeding tomorrow. we'll see evidence taken from ariel castro's home and we're hearing from sources, one of the three victims will actually be making an impact statement tomorrow, and we're hearing from sources that will likely be michelle night.
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that could change between now and then. she could change her mind but as of now, we're hearing michelle knight will make an impact statement through video or in the courtroom with ariel castro sitting there. that may surprise some people because according to sources and police reports michelle knight experienced the worst abuse over the last ten years. but this could be therapeutic and empowering for her, anderson, according to psychologists and also, she's been showing gratitude. she wrote a thank you letter to cleveland police who have been helping her. they posted this on their facebook page today and in the letter michelle knight says you don't know how much i appreciate your time and work collecting cards and gifts from people for me and the other girls. i'm overwhelmed by the amount of thoughts, love and prayers expressed by complete strangers. it is comforting. life is tough but i'm tougher. when the caterpillar thought the world was over, she became the butterfly.
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we expect to hear the same tone from her, same showing of gratitude tomorrow if she does make the impact statement. >> is ariel castro actually speaking tomorrow? >> reporter: his attorney is saying yes and he's saying that he's expected to be apologetic. it really could be the first time we see ariel castro being remorseful. i spoke to someone close to ariel castro today and she says he will be explaining a lot tomorrow. we could see another side of ariel castro that he's not the monster everyone thinks he is. so we'll have to wait and see what he says. >> that would be quite a statement if he's able to convince anybody of that. pam brown, thanks very much. coming up, o.j. simpson learns whether he's granted parole. and later, health officials say a bagged salad mix has made hundreds of people sick. the question is, why aren't they saying which brand is the culprit? we'll hear from sanjay gupta coming up. for a medical convenn loses his computer, exposing thousands of patient records to identity theft. data breaches can happen that easily.
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o.j. simpson is granted parole, but not his freedom. we'll tell you why, ahead. vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve military members,
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well, today o.j. simpson was granted parole in armed robbery case but it's not like he's getting out of prison any time soon. he's been there for five years and will have to stay for more years because he's only granted parole on some charges and serving consecutive sentences. >> they told me what was expected of me here and i gave them my word i would try to be or would be the best prisoner they've ever had here, and i think for the most part i've kept my word on that. >> joining me now is jeffrey toobin and criminal attorney mark geragos. jeff, at least for this case, o.j. simpson really shouldn't have been convicted on this. >> well, you know, if there is any justice, o.j. simpson should be in prison for life for killing ron goldman and nicole brown. >> his wife. >> but he got acquitted for better or worse, and this case is ridiculous.
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i mean, he -- he's accused of trying to steal his own stuff. >> memorabilia. >> and someone else had a gun and he's accused of knowing about the guy having the gun. the guy with the gun is out of prison. o.j. didn't have a gun. it just the most ridiculous form of payback and it's a bogus case. >> so you have no doubt payback was involved here? >> absolutely. it was involved in the decision to charge him, the jury's decision to convict him. the length of the sentence. it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy as far as i'm concerned. but this is just an unjust situation. >> mark, i want to play one more clip from o.j.'s parole hearing last week. let's listen. >> i knew both of these guys who had my stuff. i was a little upset with them, and i think i wasn't as civil as i should have been. i brought some guys with me who i didn't really know and one i didn't trust, and that's on me. for that, i've been here for five years and all i can do
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about it since i've been here is be as respectful and as straightforward as i could be with the staff here at love lock and do my time as best as i can do it. >> mark, do you agree with jeff this was basically payback? >> yeah, this was a prosecution by proxy or prosecution payback. this case normally would have been what's called a da reject, which is when the cops take it to a prosecutor, they would have rejected this case and said this is a civil matter. if you believe him and i think he made a compelling statement, not in this parole hearing today but the motion for the habeas maybe earlier, he consulted with yale and yale, his then lawyer told him, you know, as long as you didn't use force and that was okay to go do, it really is an outrageous sentence. i agree also with jeff's shock
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oh shock that it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. but the fact is, we have a system and just because the prosecutors didn't get a conviction in l.a. doesn't mean that the prosecutors in nevada are supposed to pay him back because it didn't work in los angeles. i mean, when you think about the amount of time he got on this case and the fact that he's actually done five years, and, you know, the news today is doing four more years on this case, i mean, i've had clients who have shot and killed people who have done less time. >> wow. >> think about it, nine years for having a screaming fight in a hotel room over property that might well have been his? i mean, it's just an outrageous, outrageous case. again, i have no sympathy for this guy, but if you want to just look at the criminal justice system in action, it's just wrong. >> and yet, mark, he's not going
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to get -- he's not going to get freedom right now because these were consecutive, correct? >> correct and it's not going to happen on this proceeding -- >> he's fighting for a new trial? >> right, he's fighting for the new trial. it could very well happen on the new trial proceeding. so this is important for him legally because if he wins the new trial, he could arguably say at that point, make a bail application and get released on bail pending the trial. so this is significant for him. it's a big win for him, although, as jeff says, it doesn't do much. he's still facing four in these proceedings. >> jeff toobin, mark geragos, thanks very much. a research scientists accused of killing his wife with cyanide enters a plea. that's next. i think farmers care more about the land
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than probably anyone else. we've had this farm for 30 years. we raise black and red angus cattle. we also produce natural gas. that's how we make our living and that's how we can pass the land and water back to future generations. people should make up their own mind what's best for them. all i can say is it has worked well for us.
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hundreds battling nasty stomach bug and officials won't tell everything they know. i'll ask dr. sanjay gupta why. alert. the beach on your tv is much closer than it appears. seize the summer with up to 50% off hotels at travelocity.
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states. tonight health officials believe they know the source, bad salad contaminated with a parasite. they figured out what made so many people sick, but it's what they aren't saying that got our attention. they aren't naming the specific brand of salad. this is the first thing people want to know so they can avoid getting sick. our chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta joins us now. it would seem to me that the name of this contaminated salad is something consumers would need to know. why aren't they releasing it? >> walking around the building today that is what everyone is asking. >> exactly. >> a couple things going on they don't know yet. this is more complicated sort of investigation than people realize in part because this is mixed salad. you have salad, you have iceberg, romaine, cabbage. carrots. they may have come from different places. they were sold in grocery stores and restaurants which means they could have gotten the components from different places and combined them. that's part of the issue.
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also, you have this notion that these illnesses started to happen in mid june. so whatever it was, it's probably -- that was a perishable item so it's probably off the shelves by now so it may not make a difference to release a brand. you won't throw anything away. >> do they know how the parasite got into the salad? >> they're working with two main theories. they think it happened before it got into the bag. they don't think it was contamination from the bags. so it's either the irrigation water, for the vegetables themselves. or during this prewashing process. now, if sit the irrigation water, that poses a potential concern, because then it becomes -- is it still irrigating and contaminating more vegetables? >> can people still get sick or is it off the shefls? >> for this particular outbreak, it is now off the shelves. starting in mid june, just because of the nature of the food supply, it would be out of
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stores and out of people's refrigerators by now. one thing i will stay, though, it can take a long time to get sick after you get this parasite in your body. it can take weeks. so it possible we might still see some new cases of this. >> we've got a digital dash board question. they ask, could the ability of these parasites make people ill have been eliminated if consumers had washed the contents first? >> that's a good question. it's hard to wash these parasites off the vegetables. presumably they were prewashed. if that wasn't contaminated water, that should have done the job. one thing i will say, you can wash these vegetables again, but the biggest concern is cross contamination from your kitchen. so you have to hold them underneath the faucet, not put them in the sink, hold them under the facet, let the water run over it and dry them, as well. you can develop a residue as part of the washing process that
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you have to clean off. it sounds like a lot of work to do, but that's what is necessary for this parasite. >> sanjay, thanks. >> you've got it. let's get caught up with some other stories we're following. isha? a "360" follow, the university of pittsburgh research professor accused of killing his physician wife with cyanide pleaded not guilty today. he was extradited from west virginia where he was arrested after a nationwide manhunt. his wife died in april. he was the former head of women's neurology at the university of pittsburgh medical center. the usa department calls it a despicable pr stunt, president assad joining instagram. there are no pictures of syria's bloody civil war. in seattle, an extraordinary sight. a seal gave birth at a marina
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ran out of time for the "ridicu-list." that does it for us. erin burnett "outfront" starts now. the nsa's deputy director faces tough questions about edward snowden today. the former head of the nsa comes out front to respond. ariel castro's family speaking out the day before he will be sentenced for holding three women captive for a decade. and what's going on at america's airports? more than 9,000 cases of misconduct by employees of the tsa. let's go "outfront." the national